KISS Media Productions

Medical Writing Consultant

KISS MEdia productions has been around for a few decades, traveling with a remuda of horses. I gave the last four of the Mission Harmony team to two youngins. They are in a very good home.

We made lots of fun flicks, ending up filming with my dear daughter in the three-season National Geographic series “Live Free or Die.”

Now, after ten years of writer's block, or perhaps I just enjoyed riding and filming, I am finishing a few books. And yes, they are themed around the sapien etiology of the Anthropocene Era’s tangled web of multifactorial interdependent issues within our closed terrarium, Biosphere Earth. The UN SDGs outline them with solutions.

Mission Harmony: The Race to Rescue Biosphere Earth is set to be published by the end of the year.

For now, I beg you to;

1. Take personal action to do what you can each day to help this closed terrarium, Biosphere Earth, transform into a sustainable habitat for future generations of children.

2. VOTE for honorable representatives that have their heads screwed on straight, understand and support science, tell the truth, and avoid the childish actors (literally) with their mental and emotional pathology that currently runs amuck in our government institutions.

We need 8 billion unorganized sapiens to evolve into 8 billion organized sapiens. MSMD

EQDRSR is housed on Green Geeks servers that are 300% sustainable energy.

Contact 530-688-2013